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The establishing shot of theband, is a long shot on a small stage. The vieo is edited with cuts in time with the pace of the song. In our song, the motif of drumming ends every 8 counts and that is when we plan to use fast pace cuts. There si a smoke machien and a dusky light. The plain backfrouns ensures no attention is detracted from the band.

The small stage with a small audience shows that the band is to well known, a common theme in indie music. There are multiple medium close ups of each instument to introduce the band members. As soon as the lyrics begin, there is quick cut to a close up of the main singer who is mouthing hte words in time with the song. 

The go pro is used to film this high angle shot with the typical 'fisheye' look to it. We plan to use the go pro to film the instuments from different angels as it can easily be attached to the instruments. 

There is a high angle shot, using a go pro, of the sky that slowly pans down into to a long shot of trees. There are focus pull of the artists and their instruments starting at a shallow focus at a close up. The angle of the camera aims straight down the guitar showing the movement of the artists hands. The shot with paint in the womans hair displays colour nicely and cna be used in the woods scene. 


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